Civic-Government Projects
Town of Anthony, TX. Street Scape Design Project
The Anthony Street Scape Project was the perfect opportunity to enhance and strengthen the town of Anthony’s essence. We worked hand in hand with community members to give their residents and tourists a memorable commercial district.
Pecos Regional Sports Park
This municipal sports park contains 4 baseball/softball fields intended for regional tournament that attract large numbers of baseball & soft ball fans. In the center of the park a three story concession building will provide with food & refreshments to guests.
Town of Anthony City Hall
New 8530 sg. ft. building serving a dual purpose to house its political leaders as well as their police department, all under one roof.
Fort Bliss Building 21 Court Room Renovation
This new Judges Advocates Court demanded a high level of luxury. It consisted in a 7,274 Sq. Ft. renovation/addition to the Fort Bliss Building 21 court room.
Village of Columbus NM - Splash Park
A fun addition to an existing public park area where children can cool off during the hot summer months.

El Paso County ESD No.1 - HQ & Fire station